The other day, I was cooking some food in my microwave, and I thought to myself, can’t my microwave figure out when my food is hot itself? I mean really. We can see how hot things are using infrared cameras. We can put infrared cameras in microwaves. Why must we always type in a length of time that we want things to cook for, when really, all we want is to press a button labeled “Make my food hot.”
Well, I finally looked into this idea today. It’s been patented by LG since 1997. So, there goes that idea.
I wish they would make one. Imagine a microwave where you dial the power level, then press go. When the food is hot, it stops. Ah, the future…err…the 1997 patent that never went anywhere. Maybe we can free this patent because it’s not non-obvious anymore. Doubtful.
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