When I started this blog more than two years ago, it was an experiment in blogging and an experiment in running my own server. At this point, it’s safe to say that the results of the experiment are in. While running my own server out of my attic has been an enlightening experience, teaching me about everything from DNS to PHP, ultimately, I have come to the conclusion that if I want a reliable, powerful and secure sever, running it myself is not the way to do it.
In that light, today I’ve transferred this website over to the people at slicehost. This will give me (almost) all the freedom of running the server myself, and should relieve some of the headaches I’ve had for the past couple of years when it came to power outages, comcast and AT&T outages, and the like.
Moving the site over has been a bit complicated, so if you see anything weird, let me know via the contact link, which should work as of now.
I love getting feedback and comments. Make my day by making a comment.