Last month the Berkman Center at Harvard, under the guidance of Yokai Benkler, published a 200+ page document describing the broadband situation in the United States. The document is an absolute must read if you use the Internet (and you do if you’re reading this), but before I share some real analysis of it (another time and post), I just wanted to share this quote discussing the best network bundle available in the world today:
[The best] currently available [bundle] includes 100Mbps service to the home, digital TV with HD and the ability to create your own private television channel for others to watch on their TV sets, unlimited voice telephony throughout France and to 70 other countries, including the U.S., and secure nomadic Wi-Fi access wherever one’s laptop or Wi-Fi-enabled phone is within range of the Freebox of any other Free subscriber in the country (24% of the French market), for USD32.59 PPP a month.
Compared to the $40 I spend per month for a tenth that Internet speed and nothing else, my mind is blown.
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